Net Worth Calculator

by Harley C


0.99 usd

Track and analyze your net worth with ease!

Tracking and charting your net worth is a key component of analyzing your personal wealth. Net Worth Calculator makes tracking and analyzing your net worth easy and efficient. Using Net Worth Calculator will allow you to understand trends in your net worth and see how your wealth is changing over time.Net Worth Calculator uses a classic formula for calculating personal net worth; net worth is the difference of assets owned and liabilities owed. Net Worth Calculator allows you to enter all your assets and liabilities as well as track their change in value over time. From these values, Net Worth Calculator rapidly calculates your net worth at each point in time over the range of value dates entered.With asset and liability values in place, Net Worth Calculator generates an attractive chart clearly showing the change in asset values, liability values and net worth over time. The chart can also be represented as a percentage change or a moving percentage change. With the aid of the charts, you will be able to easily visualize your personal journey to financial security and greater financial wealth.Net Worth Calculator is the perfect tool to add to your personal finance toolbox. It will help you understand and build your wealth.Service and security update.Added new option to change only the symbol of a currency locale.

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Awesome very concise & specific, nice program! Respectfully

Shawn Hayes

Hi, this app is straight forward & easy to use. However, it will be great if you can add in the function of log in password so that it will give the users a better sense of security especially in case someone accidentally opens the phone or in the worst case, lost the hand phone. Tks

Melvin wong

An excellent overview of your net worth. Limited due to poor transfer of data to a new device, even in the paid edition. A major problem if you use it long term, which is it's best use. Please add a data update/transfer function to get 5 stars.

Thomas Borchert

Works great. Basic net worth tally.

Jim Paterson

Would give it a five star if the local currency was showing in English. Living in Dubai and seeing the value in Arabic would be a massive help if it was also available in English language. Happy to not refund it if this issue can be fixed. Great simple app in the meantime.

Ryan Trumpeter

I used this app for quite a while now. Really liked it. Spent lots of time inputting things just the way I liked it. Then one day I opened the app up and all my information was gone!! Back to using a pen and paper

Bob Caouette

Would like the ability to add categories and graph specific categories.

Ron Gustaveson

Not able to save asset details with Indian currency. Very very band. Please return money.

sujeet kumar Panda

I...Love...This App!! Simply charts your net worth on a multifunctional chart. And you can also break it down into assets and liabilities if you so choose. I have bank and investing accounts in many different places so Its a neat little app to get a glimpse​ of, and track the entirety of it all. Thanks!

Tom Elew

This is what I was looking for . Really very good application. My suggestion is if they allow to create and edit masters of category .

Sameer Cheulkar